R as mapping tool
R has added more tools to make beautiful maps and has evolved from a simple GIS tool to a very capable software to make complex spatial analysis and beautiful maps. New packages such as sf, mapview, and tmap are game changers, extending R capabilities to make those excellent maps.
This is one example from the papper Elevation as an occupancy determinant of the little red brocket deer (Mazama rufina) in the Central Andes of Colombia. https://doi.org/10.15446/caldasia.v43n2.85449
How to make it?
The background is a terrain raster image from Open Street Map of a bounding box window. Later we plot the country and states limits on top using the tmap package.
cams_loc_QR <- read.csv("data/cams_location.csv") # read data
cams_loc_QR_sf <- st_as_sf(cams_loc_QR, coords = c("Longitud", "Latitud"), crs = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs") # make data sf
bb <- c(-75.60, 4.59, -75.39, 4.81) # bounding box
andes_osm1 <- read_osm(bb, zoom = NULL, type="stamen-terrain", mergeTiles = TRUE) # type can be also bing and osm
collimit <- gadm_sf_loadCountries("COL", level=0, basefile="./")
deptos <- gadm_subset(colombia, regions=c("Risaralda", "Quindío"))
depto_window <- qtm(andes_osm1) + # on osm add..
tm_shape(cams_loc_QR_sf) + # add points
tm_dots(col = "red", size = 0.2,
shape = 16, title = "Sampling point", legend.show = TRUE,
legend.is.portrait = TRUE,
legend.z = NA) +
tm_layout(scale = .9) + # legend
tm_legend(position = c("left", "bottom"), frame = TRUE,
bg.color="white") +
tm_layout(frame=F) + tm_scale_bar() + tm_compass(position = c(.75, .82), color.light = "grey90") # aditionals
dep_map <- tm_shape(deptos$sf) + tm_polygons() + # state box
tm_shape(data_box) + tm_symbols(shape = 0, col = "red", size = 0.25)
col_map <- tm_shape(collimit$sf) + tm_polygons() + tm_shape(deptos$sf) + tm_polygons() # country box
##### print all
print(dep_map, vp = viewport(0.73, 0.40, width = 0.25, height = 0.25))
print(col_map, vp = viewport(0.73, 0.65, width = 0.25, height = 0.25))
What is next…
The tmap package team has anounced a major update and several improvements for this package. https://mtennekes.github.io/tmap4/index.html
lets see...
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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