A Blog for the camera trapper data analyst

Using the power of Quarto and R Quarto and R, I’ve embarked on a new project: a blog for the Diego of the future (and anyone else!) exploring the exciting possibilities of camera trap data analysis.

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This blog will help extract insights from camera trap data and provide additional resources for researchers and enthusiasts alike.


  • I will give you some tips to improve data organization and accessibility, as well as guides for analyzing camera trap data.
  • I will discuss techniques for removing errors, inconsistencies, or duplicates, emphasize the importance of metadata for understanding data context and provenance.
  • Also discuss techniques for predicting species distribution based on environmental factors, discussions and tutorials on how to analyze diurnal or seasonal activity patterns.
  • Introduce various R packages, and statistical models for analyzing camera trap data.
  • I will try to discuss common challenges encountered in camera trap data analysis and potential solutions.

Why Quarto and R?

Quarto and R are amazing tools for content creation, and both fit very well in my most recent workflow. Thi new blog is organized with thematic posts giving a small introduction and providing a step-by-step code in R.


The new blog is in English, however using the magic of google chrome you can translate it to Spanish or to any other language.

Next steps

This new blog is the first step in a planned evolution for my web content creation. I’m excited to explore the new possibilities that Quarto and R offer for web creation. I hope you enjoy the new content and please stay tuned for more exciting developments in the near future.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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