Not so new in GitHub

GitHub has become my central platform for everything code-related. From development and sharing to version control and archiving, it’s my go-to tool. It even extends to web development and report management. Recently, I hit a milestone – over 100 repositories! While many are forks or clones of others’ work, it showcases the collaborative power of the open-source community that GitHub fosters. I’m incredibly grateful for this platform after a decade of using it!


Weppage update

After a whirlwind ten years, I’ve finally given my webpage a much-needed makeover! While I initially considered making a significant leap to Quarto and R for content creation, I ultimately decided to stay true to the platform that’s served me so well: the user-friendly (more less) Minimal Mistakes framework. Its familiarity and ease of use won me over once again.

The big change

The update involved a major shift in the comment section. I’ve transitioned from Disqus to Facebook for comments. This allows for a more streamlined and potentially more engaging user experience. However, there’s a trade-off: any comments previously made on the pages themselves are no longer visible. Thankfully, they’re not entirely lost – you can still access them on the Disqus platform if you wish. I am going to miss the coments to the Mammals of Colombia post and The ULEAM post. This decision wasn’t easy, but the recent changes to Disqus’s icons and reactions just weren’t aligning with the overall aesthetic I envisioned for the website. Perhaps in the future I can return to Disqus. Let see what will happen using facebook.

Next steps

This update is just the first step in a planned evolution for my web content creation. I’m excited to explore the new possibilities that Quarto and R offer for web creation in the near future. Perhaps in the next iteration, I can marry the user-friendliness of Minimal Mistakes with the power of these data science tools. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the fresh look and feel of the site! Stay tuned for more exciting developments in the near future.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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