My best acting for Google Street View

After some monts in Ecuador working for ULEAM and Fauna Manabi, on a lunch break from the university, I spotted the Google Street View car driving by. The cameras were whirring and rotating, so I impulsively decided to jump in for the photo! The result isn’t quite what I envisioned (a little blurry!), but there I am in the green shorts and sandals. You can also see Peggy and Andres to the right, caught off guard by my silliness.

Me jumping for the Google cameras. .

Here is the best sceene in Google Street Manta for the posterity… jejejejee,-80.7441687,3a,51.5y,9.15h,72.93t/data=!3m10!1e1!3m8!1sjKf3c_JETF3bF20rYYUWSQ!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656!9m2!1b1!2i26?hl=en-US&coh=205409&entry=ttu

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